Thursday 29 September 2022

Opinions are like arseholes. Everybody's got one.

I polarise people and always have. I usually have gushing reviews or awful reviews. I'm a bit like marmite in that way. I must admit that I get a kick out of not conforming to the stereotype of m/m writers. 

What I don't write.

Cardboard characters


Characters behaving as society expects them to


What I do write:


Emphasis on the fiction. It's make-belief. Because of that, I can write what I want. I can create a character that I want, not one the reader thinks I should. If I want a character to sleep with another even though it would be completely unprofessional, I will. If I want a character to love another character who is a despicable person, I will. If I want to write about a despicable person, then I will. Because there are complicated, contrary and not nice people out there. And they are the reality of this world, not the sweetness and light commonly portrayed in m/m novels.

If I want to write something that would never happen in real life, such as a cop sleeping with a murder suspect, a cop sleeping with a prostitute, a cop sleeping with a witness he is protecting, THEN I WILL. It's my story and it's FICTION. I write for me and if I can please even one person along the way, then that makes me very happy. If I can make someone's day with a great love scene or a HEA (because that is what I write), then I've done my job. 

Which brings me to this review. And yes, I do have to stop reading reviews, because I don't have the ego to cope with them.

It’s so bad, and makes no sense. Nobody did anything that makes sense, the relationship didn’t make sense, the characters didn’t make sense. Overall perplexing to read. Also got the strong feeling that the author doesn’t even like gay men. Or men at all. Very strange read.

I try to take a positive from every negative review. I try not to let them bring me down or I would have quit by now. But how can I not answer this?

I don't like gay men? Or men at all?

Firstly, you kind of have to like gay men in order to write m/m. Or do you? Well, I think you do. I've written many kinds of books before. Horror, straight romance, gay romance. One things my books have in common is that I am invested in my main characters. I mean, I created them, therefore I love them, right? Two of my favourite characters are Dexter Summerfield and Dante Jardine. Both despicable bastards, both adored by me. Both gay.

 Do I like gay men? I love gay men. They are men who love other men. And believe me, I am so down with that.

Do I like men? I love men. I'm straight. I love everything about men, at least physically. Are there a lot of men out there that are not very nice people? Yes. But equally there are a lot of women too. In general, I don't like people at all. Humanity is cruel and unkind. Men are the main perpetrators of that. That's a sad fact. Am I a man hater? No. Would I write a book where two soulmates find the other if I hated both characters? No.

 That's all.




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