Wednesday 15 December 2021




It's two days before Christmas and actor Jaden Grey has his big break, playing a firefighter on a prime time show. He expects little more than to read the script before breaking for the holidays, but the director has a better idea. He's going to film a love scene with his hot male co-star five minutes after meeting him. Jaden's not gay, but the moment Carlos kisses him, he re-evaluates his whole life...


I look around. My glance turns to a stare. Carlos is around thirty years old. He’s Hispanic, tall, well-built, and casually dressed in jeans and T-shirt. His black hair is closely-cropped and his eyes are coal-dark. He looks born to play a cop. He looks born to play a hot gay guy. My mouth is unaccountably dry. I stick my hand out.

“Hey, Jaden Gray.”